If you need help, please use this list to get what you need. or call 2-1-1
List of Emergency Services provided in mulitple languages provided by the Literacy Center in Attleboro
SelfHelp.IncSelf Help, Inc. is a nonprofit Community Action Agency (CAA) created to help low-income families and individuals stabilize and secure their lives through education, strategic assistance, and building on opportunities in their communities. We provide a range of services for families and households across Southeastern Massachusetts.
Want your children to be better prepared for school? Is someone in your home struggling with addiction? Need help keeping your family warm this winter? Need help finding a job? Self Help, Inc. can help you today, and help you help yourself better tomorrow. A non-profit providing education to Adults. Offering Citizenship Classes, GED prep, Adult Basic education, ESOL classes, Basic Computer Training
Free Test Prep Materials with your SAILS Library card online SHINE Counseling Insurance information consultation. Call the Center for an appointment. Must be a Plainville resident.
HEALTHCARE ASSISTANCE SHINE: 800-243-4636—PRESS 3 PRESCRIPTION ADVANTAGE: 800-243-4636 PRESS 3 PHARMACY OUTREACH PROGRAM: 866-633-1617 MEDICARE: 800-633-4227 MEDICARE ADVOCACY: (COMPLAINTS) 866-778-0939 Medical Equipment- Provided by the Lions Club for Plainville seniors. Please call the center. Veteran’s Benefits Counseling Every Wednesday 12:00-2:00pm Rebecca Jennings can answer your benefits questions. 508-699-0120 Living Bread Food Pantry at the Methodist Church, 16 East Bacon St., Plainville. For Plainville residents in need.
Little Free Pantry located in the parking lot behind Town Hall at 194 South St., Plainville. Open to all. MEALS TO GO from Interfaith Collaborative: Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays at 4:30pm at First Baptist Church, 118 South Main Street, Attleboro (drive-thru and walk-up available) Tuesdays at 4:30pm at First Baptist Church, 52 North Main Street, Mansfield Wednesdays at 4pm at First Baptist Church, 75 Park Street, North Attleboro Saturdays at 11am at Centenary United Methodist Church, 15 Sanford Street, Attleboro Project Bread: 1-800-645-8333 If you need SNAP (food stamps) benefits and an application, call the Dept. of Transitional Assistance Hotline 800-645-8333. Self-Help Fuel Assistance Eligible persons may receive fuel assistance, utility and phone discounts. Or Contact the Senior Center at 508-699-7384
Plainville Housing Authority 508-699-4212 140 East Bacon St. Plainville If you are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless, please call 1-800-466-3537 |
Metro West Legal Services provides civil legal representation to older adults of low income. Call: 1-800-696-1501. OR An Attorney is available the last Monday of every other month, call 508-699-7384 for an appointment.
South Coastal Counties Legal Services, Inc South Coastal Counties Legal Services provide free legal services to low-income residents and seniors to keep governmental assistance like SNAP benefits or medical benefits, help if you are a victim of domestic violence, housing rights, rights for senior citizens, and more. Ask a Law Librarian The Trial Court Law Libraries provide public access to legal information with books, databases and web resources. But sometimes you need a little help finding just the right source of information or learning how to use it, so we offer several ways for you to ask a question, see the link. Court Service Centers The Massachusetts Trial Court is expanding walk-in Court Service Centers across the state. Court Service Centers help people navigate the court system. Centers are available to all court users without lawyers, and there are no income or immigration status requirements. All of the services in the Court Service Centers are free, but there may be other fees associated with your case, such as filing fees. The closest to Plainville is Brockton Court Service Center, 215 Main St., 1st Floor, Brockton, MA 02301 Call the Senior Center, Stacy Powell, for assistance 508-699-7384
Outreach/ Information & Referral Assistance is provided to adults age (60+) for needs assessment and information for appropriate referrals for community, State and Federal resources and entitlement benefits, including legal issues, fuel assistance, food stamps, housing and healthcare needs. Project Reassurance - CALL This service could help keep you or your loved one safe. Do you or a loved one need a daily wellness phone call? In cooperation with the Police Dept, and volunteers, Project Reassurance is designed for seniors who live alone, or may have compromised health. A phone call is made each morning. If no one answers, or the phone is busy, a call back is repeated again a short time later. If no answer a second time, a first responder will check on the individual. Call the Senior Center to sign-up. Safe at Home Plainville senior residents can request home safety inspections. Please inquire at 508-699-7384 Meals on Wheels Nutritious meals are delivered to eligible seniors who are homebound. Call HESSCO 781-784-4944. TRANSPORTATION SENIOR CENTER BUS Call (508) 699-7384 Seniors age (60+) and disabled residents Donation Fare: $1.75 one way The bus offers curbside transportation to the senior center, local medical appointments, grocery shopping, banking and the hairdresser. Earliest pick-up is 9:00am - earliest appointment scheduled is 9:30am. Medical appointments take priority over shopping trips. Please schedule 24 hours in advance. Wheelchair riders must be accompanied by a companion. For shopping trips, you may only purchase what you can carry in one trip. Please call the center if your appointment is cancelled or has changed. |
Services for Children and Youth with Special Needs
Call the Community Help Line 800-882-1435
Mass Family Ties 800-905-8437 Referrals and help for families with special needs children, especially for Early Intervention
Here you will find information for SSI, Mass Care, Assistive Technology, Hearing tests for infants, help with paying for hearing aids, palliative care, and more.
Mass Family Ties 800-905-8437 Referrals and help for families with special needs children, especially for Early Intervention
Here you will find information for SSI, Mass Care, Assistive Technology, Hearing tests for infants, help with paying for hearing aids, palliative care, and more.
For Refugees and Immigrants
List of Organizations in Massachusetts who offer services for immigrants and refugees. From the MA Office for Refugees and Immigrants. 5600 Washington St., 4thFloor, Boston, MA 02111. 617-727-7888