We are encouraging you and your family to use January as a time to reflect and perform random acts of kindness. Winter is hard on everyone and we could all use a little cheer. These are just 28 suggestions for you to start from. Take your kindness journey wherever you want.
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or pick up your copy at the library.
or pick up your copy at the library.
1. Write a poem or card for a far away relative
2. Leave a thank you note for your trash collector 3. Leave positive notes in library books 4. Tell 3 friends what you love about them 5. Transform something from your recycle bin into a work of art 6. Bring your shopping cart back to the store 7. Make a Kindness Rock and place in public 8. Bake or buy treats for a neighbor 9. Over dinner ask and answer: Who did you help today? Who helped you? 10. Make thank you card for someone. 11. Apologize to someone. Forgive yourself. 12. Take a walk and pick up litter on the way 13. Go out for cocoa and pay for the person behind you in line 14. Offer 3 honest compliments 15. Make a homemade bird feeder 16. Donate a food item at the Little Free Pantry 17. Leave a thank you for your mail carrier 18. Write what you are thankful for on hearts and decorate with them 19. Donate used books to the Library Book Sale 20. Ask someone about their day and listen well 21. Offer to pick up groceries for a neighbor 22. Donate old clothes to charity 23. Swap books with a friend 24. Take a mindful nature walk. Keep a journal of what you see 25. Shovel out a fire hydrant 26. Say thank you to the cashiers 27. Donate old glasses to Lions Club at library drop box 28. Do a chore without being asked |